VIRAL Recruitment Hacks For Music Program Explosion

Viral Recruitment Hacks for Music Program Explosion by Angela Ammerman

*When we say “Explosion,” we don’t mean “explosive” like BOOM—no pyrotechnics involved. We’re talking about the kind of “blowing up” that makes your admin ask, “How in the world did you fit 500 kids in one rehearsal room?” or “Are we going to need to check the fire code AGAIN???” or “WHY IS EVERY SINGLE KID CARRYING AN INSTRUMENT INTO THE SCHOOL RIGHT NOW?!?!”

If you’re not *YET* using these viral, explosive, fire-code-defying recruitment hacks, then this is your sign to get out your to-do list and get going!

Holiday Cheer from MakeMusic Cloud

holiday cheer

The holiday season is a busy time for music teachers, filled with performances, celebrations, and altered schedules. To help keep your students engaged and inspired before the holiday break, we’ve put together a collection of holiday activities.