State Lists > Wisconsin Lists > Event 2859 String Choir Class A

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Event 2859 String Choir Class A

Number of publications: 8
Show interactive titles only

Title Interactive Digital Sheet Music Contributors Publisher Launch
Academic Festival Overture (Opus 80)Interactivearranger: McCashin, Dr. Robert D., composer: Brahms, Johannes FJH Music Company Inc
Organ Fugue in G minorInteractiveDigital Sheet Musiccomposer: Bach, Johann Sebastian, arranger: Cerulli, Bob Alfred Publishing Belwin Division
Holberg Suite, Op. 40Interactivecomposer: Grieg, Edvard Edwin F. Kalmus
St. Paul's SuiteInteractivecomposer: Holst, Gustav G. Schirmer, Inc.
Symphony No. 29, 1st Mvmt.Interactivecomposer: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, arranger: Frost, Robert S. Kendor Music Publishing
PerseusInteractivecomposer: Newbold, Soon Hee FJH Music Company Inc
Orion and the ScorpionInteractivecomposer: Newbold, Soon Hee FJH Music Company Inc
Fugue in G Minor (The "Little")Digital Sheet Musiccomposer: Bach, Johann Sebastian, arranger: Grant, Francis Alfred Music Publishing

Interactive = Interactive
Digital Sheet Music = Digital sheet music