MakeMusic Cloud offers several helpful Single Sign-On integrations—we know that keeping things simple for students supports them in accessing what they need to achieve!
July 2024 Repertoire Update
In the last month, 29 interactive publications were added to MakeMusic Cloud.
Browse below to discover new favorites among the continuous new repertoire included with your regular subscription.
All About Hogwarts Foundations with Brian Balmages
The Hogwarts™ Foundations release is just days away and we are eager to share this incredible new addition with you soon!
June 2024 Repertoire Update
In the last month, MakeMusic Cloud added 90 interactive publications.
Browse below to discover new favorites among the continuous new repertoire included with your regular subscription.
Real MakeMusic Cloud users share summer engagement tips
Summer break is a great time for students and teachers to enjoy a change of pace. MakeMusic Cloud can help teachers offer students enrichment and fun musical activities in a quick and easy way so that everyone gets to enjoy a break!
The 411 on Federal Funding
Funding, whether we like it or not, plays a critical role in nurturing the artistic talents of students and enriching music education programs.
Rhythmic Sight-Reading: Friend or Foe?
In an era where attention spans are shrinking, and the pursuit for entertainment and “fun” shapes academic choices, the challenge of engaging students in rehearsals looms large.
Power Up! Beginning Percussionists Success on Keyboard Instruments
Before even tackling how to approach and play the instrument, students need to know their notes on the staff (both treble and bass clefs!) and where they fall on the keyboard.
Teaching Concert Music or the Method Book
Do I teach concert music or the method book? It’s a conversation I have with colleagues all the time and it’s something I ask myself each day in the classroom.
Preparing for Festival with MakeMusic Cloud
Dan DiPasquale is a member of the MakeMusic Innovators program.
Throughout my career, I’ve strongly believed that it’s important to involve as many students as possible in festival and contest.